Email – April 29, 2013

Hello guys its me! Doing good. Today we are getting together as a district so it should be fun and we are going to play a role-playing game, it’s actually pretty fun. I’ll have to try to play it with you guys when I get back! But any how I’m hanging in there I got a lot to try to overcome though oy.. but it all good.

So this week Monday we played the role-playing game my character was a rough and tough cowboy that had an electric whip that was super sweet. My companion was a street guy who had brass knuckles with blades. Elder Phillips was a monk and his name was Ping Pong and the point of the game was that there is one person who controls setting the time and situation and our job is to try to survive so we tell him what we are going to do for instance, with me ; I’m going to jump up and take my whip and do a judo kick to the face of this guy and then take my whip and electrocute him to death!!! And the person will decide what the outcome is. It’s pretty fun but probably the nerdiest thing that I’ve done ever.

Tuesday we had a district meeting and I played “If You Could Hie to Kolob with Jack Sparrow” for the district then we had district meeting then we are teaching this guy named Randy who is going to be baptized here soon so we are excited to go through with that.

Wednesday was a little harder. I think I know what my calling is for my mission….a babysitter. My last few companions were on the “struggling list” so I think that I’m a babysitter now so Wednesday was a little rougher because my companion didn’t want to do anything, but hey what can I say.

Thursday we had a service and helped a member move out of his place. He used to run a haunted house for Halloween and the building was actually an asylum for crazies and I guess a lot of crazy stuff happened in that building I have some pictures but I don’t have my camera on me so next week I’ll try to remember. Pretty much the same thing Friday.

Saturday we went to the temple. It was good. Then we had weekly planning so that wasn’t fun. Then sunday we went to church I sung a solo in choir because the guy who was suppose to do it didn’t show up so I did it. It was good. Then we tried to see some members Sunday so that is the jist of the week.

I was going to say I did send the boys a letter and one to Jay at the same time I sent the letters to you guys. I’m glad it got there then. Tell Sister Tippets that T said hi! You should go see her when you can get the chance. And tell her I’ll be praying for her. That’s good the party was fun!  Oh dear she shared the poem huh? haha that’s cool! Well that’s me so bye!


Elder Stewart

Email – March 11, 2013


Today was quite eventful. We got a phone call from a less active and her cows got out so we got them in and the landowner didn’t get to feed the cows this morning due to being called into the nuclear plant. They are refueling it, but he asked me to feed the cows this morning. So I got to drive the tractor and feed them two round bales. It reminded me of home, so that’s where I was this morning. The Musical conference went great. I played the piano and so did a lot of other missionaries. The zone leaders in the beginning of the year had asked the district who was musically talented and so that is how they figured out I played the piano. This week nothing really happened. Other than that nothing really to say. We are alive and well. So that’s about it. Love you guys!!

Elder Stewart

Mother if your there email back.

Email – March 4, 2013

Hello guys

How are you? That’s sad about the cows! I hope everything is going good! Well, I will write a letter to Sister Tippets I need to do that! So I’m going to write one today and send it out! So what is new with you guys? I’m still here in Fulton. Tomorrow is my piano jig. I haven’t heard what he wants me to do so I’m going to do Joseph Smith’s First Prayer. I going to need to practice today I’m not sure how it’s going to work out to be truthful. I haven’t talked with the mission president yet but I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. I hope it’ll be good.

It’s suppose to snow today but I’m not sure when. It’s sunny out right now. Yesterday we spent the day with the Wingards. They are a member and they have a son who left on a mission right around when I left and something cool I found out. Is that I met one of the members son in the MTC! and he told me if I was ever in Fulton that I need to tell his family hi! It was pretty cool. So him and I came out at the same time!

For finding this week we did some service tracting and we shoveled a lot of snow for a lot of people. It was good for me to wear some boots for a change! We enjoyed doing that! I have been wondering if you ever sent referrals to the missionaries in Powell for grandma? I’m just hoping that she will warm up since I’m on my mission.

So any new from Celina? Is Virginia liking home school? I hope so.

We had an experience the other day while tracting. We came across an old man and he was trying to argue the fact about the trinity and sorts. And it was surprisingly good for me. I was able to endure it well. Nothing really exciting this week. We got a new district leader, Elder Duke. The wind is kinda blowing right now!

Well guys, not much to say right now, nothing really news worthy. Tell everyone I said hello! Tell the twins I said hi! bye!


Elder Stewart

Mother if youre there. Email back.

Email – February 25, 2013

Hello everyone!

How are you? It snowed on Thursday all day. I was on exchanges with my district leader and he was called to be a trainer so he had to go to the trainer meeting in St Louis on Thursday. So needless to say, him and I went on a 200 round trip to St Louis in a blizzard it was an adventure. The wind shield wipers on the truck were super bad and driving up there was scary because the wipers were icing up every time. We stopped at least 5 times to de-ice the wipers. So on the way back I had to buy some new wipers so we could see going back. We were going to change back with our companions Thursday but Elder Miles (district leader) didn’t trust his companion to be a co-pilot. So I went because I had more experience driving in snow then he did. He is from California…go figure.

As we were going we saw… I kid you not… at least every 200 feet, a run off car in a foot of snow off the interstate. We helped some people by pushing their cars up and down hills, out of banks, and out of intersections. They were everywhere. We made it safe and sound though. Other than that there was a lot of snow.

So my companion and I decided to go service tracting by shoveling snow out of driveways and helping college kids get their cars out of the snow banks, we found 2 new investigators this week which is great! So that’s what we did this week in Fulton. In Jeff city with Elder Miles we did normal pros. work. I’m super hungry right now. I do not know what I’m going to have for lunch today but I hope it will be tasty.

I got Mike and Celina’s cards today it was good to hear from them! How is Mr. Padre..? So people have been asking me how many cows and acres of land we have. I forget. So that information will be nice, so next email please lol!

Trying to go out and work is getting harder and harder for me. It’s weird I’m not sure whats going on. But I am going to talk to my mission president some time in the beginning of march, other than that we now know who our new mission president is going to be. His name is Thomas Morgan and Sister Morgan’s name is Kathleen.  They also are bringing their daughter Anna to finish her Senior HS year in St Louis.  He is a asphalt contractor by trade.  They live in Farmington, Utah.  Elder Lewis (the assistant to the president) knows them well.  They will take over on July 1, 2013. Neeless to say things are going to change. It’s almost half way gone! I’m hitting my 9th month mark. That’s crazy.

So Elder Valois and I are staying another transfer here in Fulton. Just to let you know! My name tag broke 😦 so I’m going to have to order a new one. The tag was hitting on the edge of the door and it broke in half. But I still have my suit tag so that’s what I’m using at the time being. Enough about me.

I hear that Blake had to move the baptism date. That’s sad. He should have said to his boss that it pertains to salvation and that he needs to look in to it as well. Some people! But that’s ok.

Miss Stephanie…. what is this I hear?…  Celina and Mike are off to Florida eh? That should be fun tell them that I love them and miss them. Hunter and Conner, how them calves? Virginia… why you askin’ all them questions? Making statements? Assuming? So while on exchanges I stole a tie from Elder Miles’ companion and wore it to district meeting, he kept asking me if that was his tie and I kept saying  why you askin’ all them questions? Making statements? Assuming? It was super funny. Mr. Robert Stewart are you “hanging tough” without me…. oh the irony!!!!

Well I’ll have to get going but I love ya and miss ya! Take Care!!

Love ya!!

Elder Stewart

Email – February 19, 2013

Hey guys!

How is everything? Things here are going good!

So I got this phone call from Salt Lake and this guy has asked me to play the piano on the 5th of March. What so happens is that he is a professional piano player and is wanting to hear my music. How he found out that I can play the piano??? I’m clueless, but his name is Brother Miner. So I’m not sure what he wants me to do… but it sounded like he wants me to play the Joseph Smith’s First Prayer and what not. I’m not to entirely sure on what to think about this.

He asked me what my confidecet level is on my piano skill??? I just told him that it was good??Tthen he was like “that’s great!” I’m not sure what he meant from that either. Then he asked me about my reading music skill, I told him that I usually play by ear and then he got excited and we started talking about doing chord choreography??? ( Chord dancing???) not sure what he said but that’s what it sounded like, but I think I know what he meant?? So I said “yeah I do the same thing…” I hope he does anyways I’m not sure what to think. And I’m not sure how he knows either??? But he did mention Pres. Clark’s name.

We played zombies yesterday. We had the lights out and we had one zombie and it tries to tag us before we shoot it with a Nerf gun. My companion split his lip because he and another Elder ran into each other in the dark LOL! it was great!

Got a hair cut yesterday. That was cool. I’m thinking about talking to the president about some issues here. I’m going to need counseling from him. I hope I’ll get a chance to talk to him. We will see, but things here are going good. We get trainer calls tonight. Transfers are next week. This transfer is only 5 weeks.

So what’s it like in Wyoming? Is it cold and snowy? It’s sunny here and not that cold, we didnt really get a winter here. It’s almost 9 months I’m almost hitting my year mark that s crazy.

How Miss Virginia and Celina and Stephanie and the boys and Blake and his kids and everyone else?

What is Jacquie Lawson e-cards?All I got was not a complete download and a email saying:

“Dear Elder Stewart,This is a reminder that Cheryl Stewart ( sent you a Jacquie Lawson greeting card a couple of days ago which you have not yet picked up. If you haven’t heard of us, you’ll be pleasantly surprised! Our e-cards are known for their artistry and gentle humour.”

??? I’m not sure if I should be concerned or what I’m not sure. I got Blake’s daughter picture she is a cutie and she is getting baptized? That’s great!

So what’s up with dad? How is he doing? Do we still have cows? Do we still have dogs? Do we still have dad? So are things going good?Well I’m off to Jeff City for exchanges tonight and my computer is about to kick me off and I don’t know what else to say other than I’m “hanging tough”! Love ya guys!

Elder Stewart

Email – January 15, 2013

Hey guys!

How is the Wyoming life treating you? Here it’s been on the colder side. Yesterday we played Nerf again! That was fun! I’ve just noticed an Elton John book here and he is looking at me hahaha! I was a little weirded out!

We have a baptism this Sunday! We didn’t have church this week due to the ice storm so that was a bummer. Not really sure what else to say… we made our yearly goal last year of 365 baptisms we actually got 372 baptisms. Our new goal for this year is 450 souls to enter into the water of baptism! (Read Mosiah 18:35) So that is our goal for this year I hope we can make it!! So that’s what is new here!

I did get the meds from you mother dearest! Thanks! Things here have been very complex. I’m beginning to lose patient with myself… oy. So anything new on your end? Thanks for the pictures! I’m curious about the cake that you guys “attempted” to make. Was it the sorting hat off of Harry Potter? Just curious cause it looked like it needed love! haha!

I’m not sure what it is or is suppose to be. It’s got me scratching my head! I’m not sure what’s going to happen this transfer. But it’s coming next week! We will find out who is going to be training a greenie tonight and find out who is staying where and going where Saturday night! I can’t say what I feel concerning transfers because i jinx it when I say it haahaha!

Well I love you guys and hope that things are good!

Love ya,
Elder Stewart

Email – November 26, 2012


I do have to go really quick so I’m going to do this as fast as I can so please forgive my grammar and spelling! Thanksgiving was fun and exciting and I got to play pool for the second time…super fun and we got to play missionary impossible and then afterwards we did more missionnary work hurray!!

I saw the pics that Steph sent, saw Mike and Celina, they look good! It was good to see Mike and her again!

Nothing else really sorry for not writing much I’ll try to write a letter for all of you so take care and love you and miss you

Virgina ran over Dallas??!! Is she okay????? I’ll pray for her.

Love you Virgina and Celina and Father and mother and Stephanie and Hunter and Kenneth (got and email from him yay!) and Conner and Karl and Mike who ever else reads this haha! Got to go! Bye!!!!

Love you all,
Elder Stewart

Email – November 5, 2012


It is rainy and stormy out today. And it is cold. For the record we have  two investigators who has a baptismal date for Dec. 1. I hope and pray that  it will go through. They too are our recent prospects they are African American and it should be nice for the black community to participate in  the gospel. There are no Blacks in our church so I really do hope that it  will go through.

We had to drop all the other dates for baptism because  they haven’t kept their commitments. So I found there is a recipe I want  you to look up mom it’s called gooey butter cake it is delicious and they only have them here in St Louis. So look it up!

Today we are going to have a  Nerf Gun War at the culture center it should be fun! We have the most  nerdy elders in my district haha! We decided we should do something fun  for them instead of b-ball haha! I enjoy serving with them! My new companion is a ginger as well. and is from St George Utah. He is great! He’s  been out for over a year now since Oct. I can’t believe that I’ve been out  for half a year now. I’m thinking about buying a ukulele something to play with.

Mom can you do something for me? Is it possible that you can take my guitar strings off of my guitar and put my guitar away somewhere safe as  well as my trumpet and keyboard? OY i got the chance to play the trumpet last Monday. That was fun! Their son and i were jamin’ it out haha! Oh!Virginia is sick?? Tell her I will pray for her. That’s got to be rough.  Sick is never fun. I don’t like it at all. i think its fair since I sent  you guys a ton of pictures you need to send some this way!! It always makes  a missionary’s day to see pictures. hahaha!

I heard from Kenneth he sounds  good! It was good to hear from him! Is there snow there? I was actually wondering because I heard it from Jan Olheiser that there was snow there.  And she isn’t even there any more??? Your slackin’ mother haha!

The trees  are losing their leaves now its winter time for sure. We’ve been walking  now more than riding in the car that’s always fun! Thursday or Friday i  cant remember, we walked the whole circumference of Crystal City! That was  an accomplishment! Nothing else really that is news worthy. A lot of service  this week helping people move. Love ya’ll!

Elder Stewart


Tell Virginia I’m going to write her a letter today hopefully!!  Don’t forget to vote tomorrow! Tell the whole family hi and that i love them!  Bye!

Email – October 22, 2012

Hello everyone,

I did get the absentee ballot and I already filled it out and sent, so the office should already have it. I voted for Mitt Romney and no one told me about the local gov. so I had to guess on some things. I did get the pants, I love them! Very sweet, thank you mother dearest! So  we do have a baptism commitment for the 10th of Nov. Its pretty exciting!

Wow that is pretty cool thing to think about! The twins will be back in a couple of months after me! That is pretty sweet! I thought it was fantastic to hear that 18 years old are coming out! Awesome!

So this week was normal.

We had exchanges this week There is a tri-companionship in our district so I was in a tri for a day! It was a good experience! Found some new investigators and potentials! So that was sweet! Today we are going to the zoo in St Louis to do a scavenger hunt! It should  be fun! The zoo is free so that is a bonus!

We had service Saturday for the young men we decided we should help. As we were cutting small trees down for tepees we have to strip the bark off the tree, with a knife. And a deacon sliced his thumb in half. Vertically. It was an eventful event. it makes me quiver thinking about it.  A lot of blood.

So what is new for you folk?

General conference was good. Good spiritual uplift. I really like Elder Holland’s talk. Some things he said almost knocked me off of my seat. It was good.

What is the news for the ward? When are they going to build a new chapel? Or are they going to keep the old one?

And another thing I really really really hope you didn’t put a dorky picture of me on the plaque. That would be horribly terrible.

The trees here are awesome! The colors are sweet! We have a hay ride this coming Saturday, the ride is going to take us to some views to see the scenery! I’ll get some pictures!

Which brings me to another subject… where are the pictures?

We discovered that my camera has a feature. Slow motion! Elder Christensen and I had some fun with that!

I’m also going to start on some genealogy and starting on my pedigree chart. So this should be exciting! The branch is having a family history classes for the community and by no one telling us. There was about 30 non members there last meeting. We weren’t very happy with that. We actually had to rebuke the branch a little. So a life lesson here. When there is something that the church is putting on that the community is participating, please tell the missionaries because it is so much easier to find through programs and members and is way more effective. Tracting isn’t the most effective way. It works but is the least effective way.

I’ll get off of my soap box now.

So how is your missionary experiences? Did you give the missionary a referral for anyone. I’ll email some names that comes to mind.

Well I cant think of anything else to say. Love you all!

Elder Stewart